Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bed time

We just put our son, Brogan, to bed and he just never ceases to amaze me every day. I came home and he was at the top of the stairs leading up from the foyer with his little face pressed up against the baby gate we have set up there and he was laughing away. It's like I come home and I'm uplifted immediately, any crap from the day is erased. What a guy.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nothing to say

Well the grounds crew for my condo complex is outside blowing and raking up leaves and all I can think is, 'WHY?' It's fall and it's windy out, unless you sweep up all the leaves in a 10 mile square radius your work is all for naught. I mean, the place is going to be covered in leaves mere minutes after they leave. Why not plant some bushes or hedges that don't look like rejects from a haunted house yard or re-plant some grass? I don't get it.

It's October 16th and I don't have a lot to say. My workout today was a bit of a bummer but the sun is shining and I have an amazing wife and son to keep me happy. Life is good.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day Two

It's morning and I'm eating my breakfast in front of the computer for the 4000th time. What would I do if I didn't have the computer to stare at in the mornings? The morning time is really the only time I have to myself because I usually am up way earlier than my wife (and my child, thankfully) so I like to look at all my favourite sites. I used to look at random sites like and other similar to that but not I seem to focus more on the CrossFit sites or whatever interests me that day. The internet is amazing, it's changed the world more than any one thing in my lifetime and, I'd imagine, in most people's lifetime. Well, anyone over the age of saaaaaaaaaaaay 20?


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My first post

Well it looks like I've started a blog site. I wonder if it will last. I wonder if there are enough things for me to talk about that justifies me having a blog site. It's just way too easy to start one of these things! I mean, if I can do it then it's just too easy. The blog world could be in trouble because there's just no telling what I might say.

Well I figure I'll use this as a sounding board to any ideas I have and see where it goes from there...