Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In Hiding

So Brogan is at the stage where he's really into 'games.'  He just comes up with these wacky ideas and they become games and we try to play along the best we can.  He's hilarious.  One actual game he's exceptionally bad at is hide-and-go-seek.  I own him at this game.  When I count he runs behind the comfy chair and hides there every flippin' time.  I have to act like I'm searching high and low for him while he giggles maniacally in his hiding place.  I'm pretty sure he's worn a hole into the floor from crouching there for so long.

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm awesome at hide-and-go-seek.  I had a hiding spot growing up that literally no one found me in from like 1982 to maybe the early 90's.  I spent so much time camped out in that spot I could have written novels or invented the internet while hanging out in there.  It occurred to me maybe my fellow hide-and-go-seekers thought I was an asshole and just let me rot there but it was usually my younger siblings so I've since ruled out that thought.  It just may have been the best hiding spot of all times.

Regardless, when it's my turn to count he tries to tell me where to hide (behind the chair, huge shocker) and I have none of this so I go try to hide in the most creative but mildly obvious place.  I'm pretty sure I could just stand behind him while he looks for me and he'd eventually have to give up because either it's bed time or the next Rapture is coming.  So today I hide behind his chalkboard easel and of course this stumps him, even with mommy's help.  He's standing right there, he can practically feel the heat of my breath on his neck, and he still can't see me.  This must be a 4-year-old thing, at least I hope it is because if he was an animal in the wild he'd be eaten in like 0.3 seconds.

Anyways, can you guess what my next move is?  I shoot my hand out to grab him, scream bloody murder and I scare the living bejesus out of him.  I've always loved to jump out and scare people.  I used to wait outside our bathroom back home until my brother came out and I'd scream so loud I swear to god he'd piss himself even though that was his whole reason for being in there in the first place.  So Brogan jumps out of his skin and collapses on the floor like a fainting goat and Amy and I just start crying with laughter.  I haven't gotten someone like that in ages and man it felt good.  I'm pretty sure it won't be the last time...

Happy hiding,


1 comment:

Thelma said...


I am a former co-worker of your wife's and I laughed so hard at your post I could no longer see out of my glasses! I also loved scaring my kids and am now evil enough to do the same to my poor granddaughter! Keep it up...I mean why do you have children anyway???!!!